Berita ini datang hampir bersamaan dengan berita Jenderal Soeharto.

Jusuf Ronodipuro, penyiar naskah proklamasi pada malam 17 Agustus 1945 saat di The Habibie Center, Jakarta, Selasa (29/5). Pada 1951 saat menjabat Kepala RII, Ronodipuro membujuk Presiden Sukarno supaya membaca ulang naskah itu untuk direkam. Ronodipuro pula yang menyuruh anakbuahnya di RRI, seorang keturunan Belanda, untuk menggubah lagu Indonesia Raya menjadi lebih bertenaga seperti versi resmi sekarang.
Taken on May 29, 2007
INDONESIA: Ronodipuro, broadcaster of Indonesia's independence, dies at 88
The Regents of the University of California
Ronodipuro and his friends founded state-owned Radio Republik Indonesia in a temporary station they built at Abdulrahman's laboratory
The Jakarta Post
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Jakarta --- M. Jusuf Ronodipuro -- the man who broadcast Indonesia's declaration of independence Aug. 17, 1945, and helped found state-owned Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) -- passed away Sunday at 11:20 p.m. after receiving medical treatment at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Central Jakarta. He was 88.
Jusuf is survived by wife Sita Fatma Rassat, three children and seven grandchildren. He was buried at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, South Jakarta, on Monday.
Jusuf was rushed to the hospital several days ago due to lung problems. Doctors provided a ventilator to help him breathe.
He had suffered a stroke last June and had been hospitalized several times.
Born Sept. 30, 1919, Jusuf was a close confidant of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno. As a news broadcaster at Hoso Kyoku radio, owned by the Japanese occupation government, Jusuf spread to the world the news of Indonesia's independence.
Jusuf recalled events surrounding his historic broadcast in an interview with Kompas in 2006. On Aug. 14, 1945, Hoso Kyoku radio station had been occupied by Japanese soldiers and all employees inside the station barred from going out.
The news of Indonesia's independence was not immediately known across the country due to the occupation. But on Aug. 17, 1945, at 5:30 p.m., his friend climbed a compound wall to give him a message from outside. It was handwritten by Adam Malik, who worked at DOME news agency, and read: "Please broadcast the attached news". Attached was Indonesia's declaration of independence that had been read by Sukarno at 10 a.m.
For Jusuf, it was not an easy task. The presence of Japanese soldiers inside the station forced him and his colleagues, including Bahtar Lubis, to use the abandoned foreign news studio to broadcast the news. At 7 p.m., Jusuf was in front of the microphone for 15 minutes to spread the news of independence to the whole country and the world.
When they were about to clean up the studio, the Japanese soldiers entered and assaulted them. Later that night, all the Hoso Kyoku radio station employees were told to leave.
Jusuf almost fainted on his way home from his injuries and stopped by at the house of the late painter Basuki Abdullah. In the morning, he saw a doctor, Abdulrahman Saleh, who later suggested he set up a radio station for the newly born country.
To avoid Japanese soldiers, he and his friends built a temporary station at Abdulrahman's laboratory. That studio witnessed Sukarno's speeches to the nation.
Jusuf was the man who created RRI's motto Sekali di udara, tetap di udara, "Once on the air, always on the air".
Since the independence proclamation was not broadcast live, Jusuf asked Sukarno to record his voice five years after the event.
During the Sukarno era, Jusuf served as the Ministry of Information secretary general and posted in London and the United Nations in New York.
When the regime changed, Jusuf was appointed Indonesian Ambassador to Argentina.
During the two presidents' eras, both Sukarno and Soeharto often requested his service at the palace.
He was buried in a military funeral.
Date Posted: 1/29/2008
Marilah kita simak beberapa tayangan berikut ini.
Jusuf Ronodipuro on Indonesia Raya
2 min - Aug 8, 2007
well as its musical. It was initiated by Chairman of Jakarta Radio Station Jusuf Ronodipuro, now 87 years old. He was ordered Dutch musician Jozef Cleber who
From: teliksandi
The national anthem Indonesia Raya, originally titled by Wage Rudolf Supratman as 'Indonesia', was rearranged in 1944 by a team leaded by Sukarno and Muh Yamin. In 1950/51, Sukarno as President of Republic of Indonesia was rearranged it again, as well as its musical. It was initiated by Chairman of Jakarta Radio Station Jusuf Ronodipuro, now 87 years old. He was ordered Dutch musician Jozef Cleber who hired to arrange an orchestra group for three years.
Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia
57 sec - Jan 3, 2007
Kemerdekaan Indonesia...Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia dibacakan oleh Bung Karno. Anda dengar suaranya....Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia Bung
From: Arto4805
Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia dibacakan oleh Bung Karno. Anda dengar suaranya.
FAKTA Seputar Proklamasi on Keiji TV
9 min - Jul 11, 2007
Keiji TV...Edited version from FAKTA Seputar Proklamasi released earlier. This video had been broadcasted on Keiji TV (KGTV - Khawla Garden Television) hehe.
From: witriyanti
Edited version from FAKTA Seputar Proklamasi released earlier. This video had been broadcasted on Keiji TV (KGTV - Khawla Garden Television) hehe... In this video you can watch how far our children know about our Anthem Song.
PETA , Heroes of Indonesia : National Revolution 1945-1950
8 min - Oct 6, 2006
-1950...Salute to the true Asian heroes. PETA(Pembela Tanah Air),Indonesia volunteer army was organized in 1943. All Indonesian fought bravely
From: Reinosuke
Salute to the true Asian heroes.
PETA(Pembela Tanah Air),Indonesia volunteer army was organized in 1943. All Indonesian fought bravely against the British army and the Dutch army which attempted to reinvade their homeland.
The Indonesian independence movement had a tremendous impact on other Asian and African independence movements.
'The independence is not only for one race, but also for all human.'
-Sukarno (Aug.15.1958)
Added: October 05, 2006
Sidang dengan Bung Karno
3 min - Jan 2, 2007
Bung Karno...Sidang Chuuoo Sangi-in yang ke-6. Dibuat pada 17 November 1944....Republik Indonesia Jakarta Sidang Soekarno Bung Karno Sukarno
From: Arto4805
Sidang Chuuoo Sangi-in yang ke-6. Dibuat pada 17 November 1944.
19 DESEMBER 1948
5 min - Dec 18, 2007
Dirman melasanakan Perang Rakyat Semesta diseluruh tanah air. Di PBB, para pejuang diplomasi tidak akan mundur setapakpun serta tetap mengusahakan negara Proklamasi tegak dan berdiri.
From: RSH1945
Tgl 19 Desember 1948,jam 6.00 pagi, Belanda menyerang Yogya. Presiden dan Wakil Presiden beserta sejumlah pejabat kabinet ditangkap. Inilah hari paling tegang dan amat darurat bagi Republik Indonesia. Namun seolah semua sudah diatur, berdirilah PDRI di Sumatera dan Pak Dirman melasanakan Perang Rakyat Semesta diseluruh tanah air. Di PBB, para pejuang diplomasi tidak akan mundur setapakpun serta tetap mengusahakan negara Proklamasi tegak dan berdiri.
Perjuangan Proklamasi masih belum tuntas!
Hingga hari ini, Pemerintah Belanda tetap tidak mau mengakui de jure hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia adalah 17 Agustus 1945, dan hanya de facto.
Bagi Pemerintah Belanda, hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia adalah 27 Desember 1949, yaitu ketika Pemerintah Belanda melimpahkan kedaulatan kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Serikat (RIS). RIS telah dibubarkan pada 16 Agustus 1950.
Silakan baca di:
Belanda Tetap Tak Akui Kemerdekaan RI 17 Agustus 1945
(Di muat di harian Rakyat Merdeka, pada 2 dan 3 Oktober 2005)
Bagi yang mendukung petisi tuntutan kepada Pemerintah Belanda, dapat membubuhkan namanya di petisi-online:
Di ensiklopedi "Encyclopædia Britannica" dan "Encyclopedia Americana", seingat punulis, sampai dengan edisi cetak terakhir mereka, tertulis 27 Desember 1949.
The Encyclopædia Britannica is a general English-language encyclopaedia published by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., a privately held company. The articles in the Britannica are aimed at educated adult readers, and written by a staff of 19 full-time editors and over 4,000 expert contributors. It is widely perceived as the most scholarly of encyclopaedias.[1][2]
The Encyclopedia Americana is one of the largest general encyclopedias in the English language (after the Encyclopædia Britannica). As the name suggests, it is produced in the United States and is aimed mainly at the North American market; it is, however, also sold in Asia and elsewhere. The encyclopedia has more than 45,000 articles, most of them of the long-entry variety (500 words or more) and many running to considerable length (the "United States" article is over 300,000 words long). The work's coverage of American and Canadian geography and history has been a traditional strength, but its lead here has dwindled in recent years under the pressures of electronic publishing. Written by 6,500 contributors, the Americana includes over 9,000 bibliographies, 150,000 cross-references, 1,000+ tables, 1,200 maps, and almost 4,500 black-and-white line art and color images. It also has 680 factboxes. Most articles are signed by their contributors.
Dan juga di beberapa Wikipedia.
The Republic of Indonesia (IPA: /ˌɪndoʊˈniːziːə/, /ˌɪndəˈniːziːə/) (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a nation in Southeast Asia. Comprising 17,508 islands, it is the world's largest archipelagic state. With a population of over 234 million people, it is the world's fourth most populous country and the most populous Muslim-majority nation, although officially it is not an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic, with an elected parliament and president. The nation's capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- Declared 17 August 1945
Der Staat Indonesien (indon. Indonesia) ist der größte Inselstaat der Welt. Er wurde am 17. August 1945 proklamiert und am 27. Dezember 1949 von den Niederlanden unabhängig. Die Hauptstadt Jakarta hat etwa 11 Mio. Einwohner und liegt auf der Insel Java, auf der mehr als die Hälfte der Einwohner des Landes leben. Der Name Indonesien setzt sich aus dem lateinischen Wort indus für Indien und dem griechischen Wort nesos für Insel zusammen.
Unabhängigkeit von den Niederlanden am 17. August 1945
Indonesië is een republiek, bestaande uit een groot eilandengebied in Zuidoost-Azië. Het ligt tussen het Zuidoost-Aziatische vasteland en Australië, en tussen de Indische en Grote of Stille Oceaan. In het noorden grenst het ook aan de Zuid-Chinese Zee. Indonesië grenst aan Maleisië op het eiland Borneo, aan Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea op het eiland Nieuw-Guinea, en aan Oost-Timor op het eiland Timor. In het zuiden grenst het aan Australië. Het bestaat uit 18108 eilanden waarvan er circa 6000 bewoond zijn.
Indonesië wordt als een van de verwantschapslanden van Nederland genoemd.
Op 17 augustus 1945 roepen de nationalistische leiders Soekarno en Hatta de Republiek Indonesië uit, die door Nederland niet wordt erkend. Gevolg is een bijna vijf jaar durende oorlog. Meestentijds heeft deze het karakter van een guerrilla, maar twee keer - in 1947 en 1948 - gaat Nederland in het offensief: de zogenaamde Politionele acties. Op 27 december 1949 draagt Nederland de soevereiniteit over. Lange tijd wordt in Nederland alleen de onafhankelijkheidsdatum van 27 december 1949 gehanteerd. In 2005 maakt minister Ben Bot van Buitenlandse Zaken bekend dat Nederland de officiële onafhankelijkheid van 17 augustus 1945 zal erkennen. Hiermee wordt één van de laatste struikelblokken voor een volwaardige relatie tussen Nederland en Indonesië uit de weg geruimd. In 1962 moet Nederland onder druk van VN en VS afstand doen van Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Het gebied wordt, via een tussenbewind van de VN, in 1963 aan Indonesië overdragen.
L’Indonésie ou République d’Indonésie (Republik Indonesia) est née en 1945 avec l’indépendance des Indes orientales néerlandaises. C'est le plus grand État archipel et le quatrième État le plus peuplé au monde. Elle est située entre la péninsule d’Asie du Sud-Est et l’Australie, au point de rencontre entre les océans Indien et Pacifique. L'Indonésie est très diverse ethniquement et culturellement.
La langue officielle est l’indonésien (bahasa Indonesia), une variété de malais que seule une petite minorité de la population parle comme première langue. De nombreuses langues régionales sont utilisées, comme le javanais (parlé par environ 80 millions de personnes), le sundanais (35 millions) et le madurais (près de 17 millions).
L'emblème national de l'Indonésie est l'aigle Garuda, oiseau fabuleux de la mythologie indienne et vâhana (véhicule) du dieu Vishnu.
L'archipel indonésien est avec l'Amazonie et le Bassin du Congo l'une des trois zones les plus riches du monde pour la Biodiversité, mais ce patrimoine régresse rapidement en raison des impacts d'activités humaines en fortes augmentation, avec pour conséquence une dégradation des ressources en eau, air, et sols, flore et faune (halieutique notamment) et un recul préoccupant des forêts.
Indépendance Des Pays-Bas
- Proclamée 17 août 1945
- Reconnue 27 décembre 1949
Artinya, sebenarnya, "dunia" tidak mengakui Proklamasi Indonesia.
Apa saja tugas yang masih belum terselesaikan?
Bagaimanakah jurus-jurusnya?
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