Terima Kasih kepada Bapak Presiden Republik Indonesia yang ke-dua, Jenderal Soeharto.
Marilah kita mengenang beliau seperti terlihat berikut ini.

File picture shows Indonesian president Suharto (C) accompanied by family members, (L-R) daughter Mamiek, grandsons Didit and Wira, and daughters Tutut and Titi July 1996. Suharto, whose iron-fisted rule became a byword for corruption and bloody repression but also brought economic growth, died Sunday after a long and public fight for life.
(AFP/DPA/File/Holger Hollemann)

Former Indonesian President Suharto holds up his catch during a fishing trip in teluk Jakarta in this handout picture dated May 22, 1997. Indonesia's former president Suharto, whose legacy of economic development was marred by graft and human rights abuses during his 32 years in power, died on Sunday, age 86, after suffering multiple organ failure.

Indonesia's former President Suharto, a motorcycle fan, is seen testing a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that had been presented to him, in this February 2, 1996 file photo. Suharto, who ruled with an iron fist for 32 years, has died, a senior police official told reporters on January 27, 2008 at the hospital where he was being treated.

Indonesian President Suharto gestures as he stands behind his ministers in Bogor, in this handout picture from the 1970s. Suharto, whose legacy of economic development was marred by graft and human rights abuses during his 32 years in power, died on Sunday, aged 86, after suffering multiple organ failure.

Former Indonesian President Suharto addresses the nation at the Merdeka palace in Jakarta in this May 19, 1998 file photo. Suharto, who ruled with an iron fist for 32 years, has died, a senior police official told reporters on January 27, 2008 at the hospital where he was being treated.

Former Indonesian president Suharto appears at his grand-daughter's wedding party in Jakarta in this March 28, 2000 file photo. Suharto, who ruled with an iron fist for 32 years, has died, a senior police official told reporters on January 27, 2008 at the hospital where he was being treated.

File photo dated March, 1967 shows general Suharto, who was just appointed president of Indonesia, sitting for the first time in the presidential seat until then occupied by outgoing president Sukarno. Suharto, who died Sunday aged 86, was a ruthless dictator whose success presiding over huge economic progress was overshadowed by a legacy of bloodshed, human rights abuses and corruption on a colossal scale.

Indonesia's former president Suharto, pictured in 1997, died from multiple organ failure on Sunday, a local police official told reporters at the hospital where he was admitted on January 4. He was 86.
(AFP/File/John MacDougall)
Bagaimanakah media internet dan cetak di luar Indonesia mengenang beliau?
(Terutama dapat segera terlihat pada beberapa baris yang pertama)
Soeharto Tutup Usia
Deutsche Welle
Topik Hari Ini | 27.01.2008
Puluhan tahun Soeharto memimpin Indonesia dengan tangan besi menuju negara yang Modern. Selama itu pula ia melibas musuh-musuh politiknya. Perjalanan hidupnya berakhir pada Minggu pagi (27/01) pada usia 86 tahun.
Mantan Presiden Soeharto menghembuskan nafas terakhir hari Minggu (27/01) setelah sakit berkepanjangan. Soeharto meninggal di rumah sakit pertamina, Jakarta, setelah mengalami koma dan menderita tidak berfungsinya beberapa organ tubuh.
Mardjo Soebiandono, kepala tim medis yang menangani Soeharto mengatakan dalam konferensi pers bahwa ia ‘wafat dengan tenang’ pada pukul 13.10 WIB. Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyatakan belasungkawa dan menetapkan tujuh hari berkabung nasional. Soeharto akan dimakamkan di Astana Giribangun dekat Solo di samping jenazah istrinya Siti Hartinah yang maninggal tahun 1996.
Dukacita Internasional untuk Soeharto
Deutsche Welle
Berita Dunia | 27.01.2008 | 13:00 UTC
JAKARTA: Sejumlah pemimpin internasional berbelasungkawa atas wafatnya mantan Presiden Soeharto hari Minggu (27/01) dalam usia 86 tahun. Presiden Filipina Gloria Macapagal Arroyo memuji Soeharto sebagai salah satu pendiri ASEAN yang mengupayakan terciptanya kawasan yang lebih damai, progresif dan makmur. PM Australia Kevin Rudd yang memerintah November lalu menyebut Soeharto mengatur periode pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan dan modernisasi, saat Indonesia menghadapi tantangan politik, sosial dan ekonomi yang fundamental. Kevin Rudd juga menyebut Soeharto sebagai sosok kontroversial dalam masalah hak asasi serta Timor Timur dan bahwa banyak yang tidak setuju dengan pendekatannya. PM Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengatakan, meninggalnya Soeharto merupakan kehilangan bagi kedua negara.
Tajuk: Meninggalnya Mantan Presiden Jendral Soeharto
Deutsche Welle
Sybille Golte
Politik dan Ekonomi | 27.01.2008
Tentang orang yang meninggal sebaiknya kita diam, atau kalau berbicara hanya yang baik-baik saja.
Begitu kata satu pepatah. Jika demikian halnya, bab terakhir tentang kisah mantan presiden Indonesia Jendral Suharto bisa cepat rampung ditulis.
Tapi kenyataannya, justru terlalu banyak hal yang dulu didiamkan selama tiga dekade masa pemerintahan tangan besinya dengan bantuan militer. Juga sebagian besar fakta perebutan kekuasaan dan aksi kekerasan tahun 60-an, yang membawa Soeharto ke tampuk kekuasaan, masih belum terungkap sampai sekarang.
Sekalipun Jendral Soeharto selama masa pemerintahan otoriternya bertanggung jawab atas berbagai pelanggaran berat hak asasi manusia, sampai sekarang ia tidak pernah diminta pertanggung jawaban. Semua upaya menghadapkannya ke pengadilan gagal, antara lain karena alasan kesehatan yang diajukan para pengacaranya. Sampai meninggal, pengaruh Soeharto ternyata tetap kuat untuk menghindari proses hukum.
Soeharto Tutup Usia
Radio Nederland
Dipublikasi: Minggu 27 Januari 2008 15:54 WIB
Diperbaharui: Minggu 27 Januari 2008 20:37 WIB
Jakarta - Ex-presisden Indonesia Soeharto tutup usia. Sebelumnya kesehatannya memburuk dan ia koma. Beberapa organ tubuhnya tidak berfungsi lagi dan ia harus menjalani bantuan nafas. Keenam anaknya berkumpul di Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina. Awal bulan ini Soeharto diopname di rumah sakit itu karena masalah pada jantung, paru-paru dan ginjalnya. Sejak itu, keadaannya terus kritis. Soeharto mencapai usia 86 tahun. Soeharto akan dimakamkan di kuburan keluarga di Solo. Upacara penguburan akan dipimpin presiden SBY.
Selama 32 tahun kekuasaan tangan besi Soeharto, Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi pesat. Politik Indonesia bisa dikatakan stabil, tetapi gaya kekuasaannya juga menyebabkan korupsi dan pelanggaran hak-hak azasi manusia. Juga banyak terjadi pembunuhan massal. Terutama di Papua, Aceh dan Timor Timur yang pada tahun 1975 diserbu oleh tentara. Jenderal pensiunan ini tampil berkuasa setelah peristiwa G30S pada tanggal 30 September 1965, yaitu apa yang disebut gagalnya kudeta komunis. Pada tahun 1998 Soeharto harus turun jabatan, setelah protes massal rakyat. Ia didakwa menggelapkan uang antara 15 sampai 35 milyar dolar. Walau pun kasus pidana terhadapnya ditiadakan, terhadap Soeharto sekarang masih berlangsung proses perdata.
Reaksi Pemerintah Belanda Atas Kematian Soeharto
Radio Nederland
Dipublikasi: Minggu 27 Januari 2008 20:12 WIB
Diperbaharui: Minggu 27 Januari 2008 20:37 WIB
Hilversum - Reaksi pertama dari pemerintah Belanda mengenai meninggalnya Soeharto datang dari menteri luar negeri Belanda, Maxime Verhagen. Menurut Verhagen, sosok penting sejarah sebuah bangsa telah pergi. Selama masa kekuasaannya kata Verhagen, Indonesia termasuk stabil. Verhagen menunjuk pada ekonomi Indonesia yang mengalami pertumbuhan selama kekuasaan Soeharto. Era demokrasi pasca Soeharto, menurut menlu Belanda ini, masa perubahan Indonesia menjadi negara demokrasi. Akhirnya rakyat yang menentukan. Disebabkan karena pemakaman sudah akan dilakukan Senin besok, maka Belanda hanya bisa mengirimkan duta besarnya di Jakarta untuk menghadiri upacara pemakaman.
Indonesia's Suharto dead at 86
20080127 38 minutes ago
JAKARTA (AFP) - Indonesia's former president Suharto, whose iron-fisted rule became a byword for corruption and bloody repression but also brought economic growth, died Sunday after a long fight for life.
His demise at 86 marks the passing of yet another of the authoritarian and mostly pro-Western strongmen who dominated this part of Asia for much of the late 20th century.
Indonesia's Suharto dead at 86
Sunday January 27, 07:57 PM
JAKARTA (AFP) - Indonesia's former president Suharto, whose iron-fisted rule became a byword for corruption and bloody repression but also brought economic growth, died Sunday after a long and public fight for life.
His death at the age of 86 came more than three weeks after he was admitted to hospital with heart, lung and kidney problems, surprising doctors with his resilience.
"Father has returned to God," his eldest daughter, Siti Hariyanti "Tutut" Rukmana, breaking down in tears, told reporters outside.
Indonesia's former president Suharto dies: police
Sun Jan 27, 3:10 AM ET
JAKARTA (AFP) - Former president Suharto, who ruled Indonesia with an iron fist for over three decades, died on Sunday aged 86, his family and police said at a Jakarta hospital.
"Father has returned to God," Suharto's eldest daughter, Siti Hariyanti "Tutut" Rukmana, told reporters breaking down in tears.
RP condoles with Suharto family, hopes Indonesia moves
News / Breaking News
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Agence France-Presse
First Posted 16:20:00 01/27/2008
MANILA -- The Philippines Sunday expressed hope that Indonesia could move on with "renewed vigor" following the death of former president Suharto.
In a statement issued at the presidential palace, deputy spokeswoman Lorelei Fajardo expressed condolences to Suharto's family and supporters but also said "we pray his death will close a chapter in Indonesia's past."
His death would hopefully, "usher a renewed vigor in the people... to move forward to face the challenges of not only Indonesia but ASEAN [the Association of Southeast Asian Nations] as a whole," the statement added.
RP hopes Indonesia can move on post-Suharto
National (as of 1/27/2008 7:09 PM)
Agence France-Presse
The Philippines Sunday expressed hope that Indonesia could move on with "renewed vigour" following the death of former president Suharto.
In a statement issued at the presidential palace, deputy spokeswoman Lorelei Fajardo expressed condolences to Suharto's family and supporters but also said "we pray his death will close a chapter in Indonesia's past."
His death would hopefully, "usher a renewed vigour in the people... to move forward to face the challenges of not only Indonesia but ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as a whole," the statement added.
Associated Press--Associated Press--Associated Press--Associated Press
Indonesia's former dictator Suharto dies at age 86
By Zakki Hakim
Associated Press
Article Launched: 01/27/2008 01:51:26 AM PST
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Former dictator Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia's communist movement and pushed aside the country's founding father to usher in 32 years of tough rule that saw about a million political opponents killed, died today. He was 86.
"He has died," Dr. Christian Johannes, a member of his medical team, told the Associated Press, adding that Suharto died at 1:10 p.m.
Dozens of doctors had been rushed to the Pertamina Hospital in the capital, Jakarta, after Suharto's blood pressure fell suddenly Saturday night. Suharto had slipped out of consciousness for the first time in more than three weeks of treatment, doctors said.
Indonesia's ex-dictator Suharto dead at 86
By Anthony Deutsch
Associated Press
Posted on Sun, Jan. 27, 2008
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Former dictator Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia's communist movement and pushed aside the country's founding father to usher in 32 years of tough rule that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died today. He was 86.
"He has died," Dr. Christian Johannes told the Associated Press, adding that he died at 1:10 p.m.
Finally toppled by mass street protests in 1998, the U.S. Cold War ally's departure opened the way for democracy in this predominantly Muslim nation of 235 million people.
Disgraced and vilified, Indonesia's ex-dictator Suharto dies aged 86
By The Associated Press
080127 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
JAKARTA - Former dictator Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia's communist movement and presided over 32 years of tough, corrupt rule that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died on Sunday. He was 86.
Suharto had been ailing in a hospital in the capital since Jan. 4 when he was admitted with failing kidneys, heart and lungs. Doctors prolonged his life for three weeks through dialysis and a ventilator, but he lost consciousness and stopped breathing on his own overnight before slipping into a coma Sunday.
Suharto, former president of Indonesia and brutal ruler, dies
Times Online, and AP in Jakarta
January 27, 2008
Indonesia's former president Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia’s communist movement and ushered in 32 years of tough rule that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died today of multiple organ failure. He was 86.
Suharto had been ailing since he was admitted to a hospital in the capital, Jakarta, on January 4 with failing kidneys, heart and lungs. Dozens of the country’s best doctors prolonged his life for three weeks with dialysis and a ventilator but he lost consciousness and stopped breathing on his own overnight before slipping into a coma today.
Indonesia's former president Suharto dead
Source: Reuters
By Telly Nathalia
27 Jan 2008 11:00:00 GMT
JAKARTA, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Indonesia's former president Suharto, whose legacy of economic development was marred by graft and human rights abuses during his 32 years in power, died on Sunday, aged 86, after suffering multiple organ failure.
"I invite all the people of Indonesia to pray that may the deceased's good deeds and dedication to the nation be accepted by Allah the almighty.
And to the family who are left behind, may Allah give them strength to face this trial," President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said in a statement. "Mr Suharto has done a great service to the nation."
Indonesia's former president Suharto dead: police
Sun Jan 27, 1:43 AM ET
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's former president Suharto, who ruled with an iron fist for 32 years, has died, a senior police official told reporters on Sunday at the hospital where he was being treated.
"Indonesia's second president Haji Muhammad Suharto has passed away at about 13.10," Major Dicky Sondani, the police chief for the district where the hospital is located, told reporters.
Suharto's body arrives home
By Indonesia correspondent Geoff Thompson and wires
Sunday January 27, 09:27 PM
The body of former Indonesian president Suharto arrived Sunday afternoon at his Jakarta house where dignitaries were waiting to pay their respects, local media reported.
Hundreds of people packed the sides of the street, which has been closed to traffic since news of his death became public, news website Detikcom reported.
The space in front of the house was cleared of people in anticipation of the arrival of mourners, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Jusuf Kalla.
Indonesia ex-leader Suharto dies
Last Updated: Sunday, 27 January 2008, 11:38 GMT
Indonesian ex-leader Suharto, 86, has died after suffering multiple organ failure for the second time this month.
He died at 1310 (0610 GMT) after slipping into a coma, doctors said.
During his 32-years in power, the economy thrived, but thousands were killed in the provinces of Papua and Aceh and in East Timor invaded in 1975.
Indonesia's former leader Suharto dies
Deutsche Welle
News | 27.01.2008 | 13:00 UTC
Former Indonesian leader Suharto has died at the age of 86 after suffering multiple organ failure. Suharto was a former army general who ruled Indonesia with an iron fist for over three decades,- a period of dictatorship that saw up to one million political opponents killed. He left office in 1998 amid mass protests over corruption and human rights abuses under his long rule. Although he was accused of embezzling huge sums from state funds during his rule, his lawyers always successfully pleaded that his failing health meant he should not stand trial.
Suharto, ex-dictator of Indonesia, dies in Jakarta at 86
International Herald Tribune
By Marilyn Berger
Published: January 27, 2008
Suharto, whose 32-year dictatorship in Indonesia was one of the most brutal and corrupt of the 20th century, died Sunday in Jakarta, his doctors said. He was 86.
Suharto had been hospitalized on Jan. 4 with heart, lung and kidney problems, according to medical officials of Pertamina Hospital in Jakarta. His condition worsened dramatically over the weekend, they said.
Indonesia's former president dies
ITN - 30 minutes ago
The controversial former president of Indonesia, Muhammad Suharto has died, aged 86.
Mr Suharto, who was as well known for his human rights abuses as his legacy of economic development, had been in a critical condition in hospital since early this year.
News of Mr Suharto's death drew sympathy from many ordinary Indonesians, while others expressed anger over the corruption, cronyism, and human rights abuses that occurred under his New Order regime.
Indonesia's former president dies
Channel 4
Source: ITN
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2008
The controversial former president of Indonesia, Muhammad Suharto has died, aged 86.
Mr Suharto, who was as well known for his human rights abuses as his legacy of economic development, had been in a critical condition in hospital since early this year.
News of Mr Suharto's death drew sympathy from many ordinary Indonesians, while others expressed anger over the corruption, cronyism, and human rights abuses that occurred under his New Order regime.
Indonesia's Suharto dies
By Richard C. Paddock and Paul Watson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
January 27, 2008
JAKARTA, INDONESIA -- Former President Suharto, an army general who rose to power in Indonesia with the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and ruled for 32 years over an era of rapid economic growth and extraordinary graft, died today in Indonesia. He was 86.
Suharto's unyielding opposition to communism won him the backing of the United States during the height of the Cold War, although he was one of the most brutal and corrupt rulers of that era. He governed the world's fourth-most-populous nation with a combination of paternalism and ruthlessness from 1965 until he was ousted in the spring of 1998.
Indonesia’s ex-dictator Suharto dies at 86
* World news * Asia-Pacific
Army general and close ally of U.S. was vilified for 32 years of harsh rule
updated 3:08 a.m. ET Jan. 27, 2008
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Former dictator Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia’s communist movement and pushed aside the country’s founding father to usher in 32 years of tough rule that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died Sunday. He was 86.
Suharto had been ailing in a hospital in the capital since Jan. 4 when he was admitted with failing kidneys, heart and lungs. Doctors prolonged his life through dialysis and a ventilator, but his condition dramatically worsened over the weekend and he lost consciousness and stopped breathing on his own late Saturday.
Controversial till the end, Indonesia's ex-president Suharto dies
Home > Latest News > Asia
Jan 27, 2008
JAKARTA - FORMER president Suharto, who helmed Indonesia for 32 years, died on Sunday of multiple organ failure. He was 86.
Suharto had been ailing since he was admitted to a hospital in the capital, Jakarta, on Jan 4 with failing kidneys, heart and lungs.
Dozens of the country's best doctors prolonged his life for three weeks with dialysis and a ventilator, but he lost consciousness and stopped breathing on his own overnight before slipping into a coma on Sunday.
Indonesia's ex-dictator Suharto dies (3:59 p.m.)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Former dictator Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia's communist movement and pushed aside the country's founding father to usher in 32 years of tough rule that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died Sunday of multi-organ failure. He was 86.
Suharto had been ailing in a hospital in the capital since Jan. 4 when he was admitted with failing kidneys, heart and lungs.
Dozens of the country's best doctors prolonged his life for three weeks through dialysis and a ventilator, but he lost consciousness and stopped breathing on his own late Saturday.
Video News
January 27, 2008 Sunday
Suharto: The man & his legacy
Former Indonesian president Suharto has died.
He was 86.
Mr Suharto's passing comes after prolonged poor health. He was hospitalised early this month with multiple organ failure.
Imelda Saad traces his turbulent rise and fall in politics.
Duration: 5 min 1 secs
Former Indonesian dictator Suharto dies
By ANTHONY DEUTSCH, Associated Press Writer
20080127 39 minutes ago
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Former Indonesian President Suharto, the U.S. Cold War ally who led one of the 20th century's most brutal dictatorships over 32 years that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died Sunday. He was 86.
Suharto had been ailing in a hospital in the capital, Jakarta, since Jan. 4 when he was admitted with failing kidneys, heart and lungs. Doctors prolonged his life through dialysis and a ventilator, but he stopped breathing on his own overnight before slipping into a coma Sunday.
Disgraced and vilified, Indonesia's ex-dictator Suharto dies
By ANTHONY DEUTSCH,Associated Press Writer AP - Sunday, January 27
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Former dictator Suharto, an army general who crushed Indonesia's communist movement and pushed aside the country's founding father to usher in 32 years of tough rule that saw up to a million political opponents killed, died Sunday. He was 86.
"He has died," Dr Christian Johannes told The Associated Press, adding that he died at 1.10 p.m. Suharto's death was later confirmed in a statement from chief presidential physician Dr. Marjo Subiandono.
Finally toppled by mass street protests in 1998, the U.S. Cold War ally's departure opened the way for democracy in this predominantly Muslim nation of 235 million people and he withdrew from public life, rarely venturing from his comfortable villa on a leafy lane in the capital.
Obituary: Ex-President Suharto of Indonesia
Last Updated: Sunday, 27 January 2008, 06:31 GMT
Suharto ruled Indonesia for more than three decades, before being ousted on a wave of popular discontent in 1998.
Under his presidency, investment from the West was encouraged and Indonesia enjoyed rapid economic growth.
But the Asian financial crisis in 1997 provoked a wave of unrest among the poor, students and the burgeoning middle class, which led to his overthrow.
Suharto, who used only one name in common with many of his countrymen, was born in Java in 1921. Accounts of his early years differ, but his family is known to have been large and poor.
Obituary: Indonesia’s Suharto
Financial Times
By Shawn Donnan and John Aglionby
Published: January 27 2008 08:07 | Last updated: January 27 2008 08:07
Suharto, the former Indonesian strongman who died Sunday at the age of 86, was reviled as the man who brought Indonesia to its knees when his 32-year rule ended in a frenzy of violence, corruption and economic collapse.
Yet in the chaotic years after he left office in May 1998 and retired to his family compound in the leafy streets of Jakarta's diplomatic precinct, most Indonesians have come to view his rule with more nostalgia than anger. Whatever misdeeds his three decades of rule brought, whatever curtailments of human rights they saw, Suharto's rule brought stability and a welcome prosperity to a turbulent and impoverished country.
Late Suharto remembered as strong leader
JAKARTA - ASIA-PACIFIC leaders recalled former Indonesian president Suharto's strengths, praising him after his death on Sunday for modernizing his country and for promoting regional unity - despite a 'less than desirable' human rights record.
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said Suharto played a critical role in building the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, the 10-country bloc that has increased the region's influence in global politics.
'As one of the founding fathers of Asean, President Suharto was among those who had the pioneering vision of establishing a more peaceful, progressive and prosperous Southeast Asian region founded on respect and understanding,' Mrs Arroyo said in a statement from Dubai, where she was traveling.
World leaders praise stability Suharto gave Indonesia
JAKARTA - WORLD leaders on Sunday praised the late Indonesian president Suharto for the stability and growth he brought to the region but also touched on the serious rights abuses that marred his long rule.
The former general, who was 86 when he died on Sunday, ruled Indonesia with an iron first for 32 years, allowing rapid development and holding together the diverse nation, but at a price.
His time in power, which ended in 1998 after mass protests, was also characterised by corruption, massacres and human rights abuses, particularly in separatist hot spots such as Papua or East Timor.
Soe-ar-o kepada Soe-ar-o
---k--n- kepada ---h--t-
Bagaimanakah serah-terima Soekarno kepada Soeharto saat itu terjadi?
Soekarno: "Jangan sekali-kali meninggalkan sejarah"
PIDATO HUT RI 17-8-1966
Soekarno berpidato pada HUT RI '64
5 min - Sep 18, 2007
Soekarno bersyukur pada Tuhan atas kemerdekaan yang telah diberikan. Soekarno menjelaskan mengenai SP 11 maret.
Soekarno mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Soeharto atas keberhasilannya menjalankan SP 11 maret.
From: imamsamudera02
Added: September 17, 2007
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