Rahasia-Umum sebenarnya Informasi-Umum.
Semua orang di Indonesia dan di luar Indonesia mengakui dan menyadari bahwa Jenderal Soeharto hanyalah kepanjangan alat dari niat Pemerintah Negara Amerika Serikat, sama seperti orang-orang lainnya di negara-negara lain yang juga merupakan kepanjangan alat dari niat Pemerintah Negara AS.
Soekarno turun, Soeharto naik, Timor-Timur menjadi bagian Indonesia, Soeharto turun, Habibie naik, Timor-Leste menjadi merdeka, semua adalah sesuai dengan kemauan Pemerintah Negara AS.
Dan kenyataan lainnya lagi adalah bahwa semua yang membela dan menuntut Jenderal Soeharto mendapatkan sesuap nasi mereka dari keadaan ini.
Bila tidak demikian, maka mereka tidak memiliki penghasilan sama sekali.
Yang jelas, mereka semua sangat munafik.
Karena kenyataan yang sebenar-benarnya adalah bahwa yang harus dituntut, karena yang bertanggung jawab penuh sebagai atasan, adalah Pemerintah Negara AS.
Jenderal Soeharto bukanlah penyebab, Jenderal Soeharto adalah akibat!
Jenderal Soeharto adalah korban kebijakan Pemerintah Negara AS.
Pelurusan, yang benar adalah (dan ini adalah hal yang tidak munafik):
"Dunia harus menuntut kebijakan Pemerintah Negara AS (sebagai atasan), mengapa Jenderal Soeharto dijadikan korban, sama seperti tuntutan-tuntutan yang diajukan kepada beliau"!
Silakan Anda tanyakan kepada Pemerintah Negara AS, mengapa perlu terjadi pembantaian, penyulikan dan penyiksaan di Indonesia selama pemerintahan Jenderal Soeharto?
Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi?
Berpikir global, bertindak lokal, hal inilah yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Sampai hari ini paham kapitalis itu memiliki hanya satu tujuan, yaitu mengusai dunia, sebagai big-brother, inilah faktor globalnya.
Faktor lokal, salah satunya, adalah Jenderal Soeharto!
Sejak Indonesia merdeka, sudah silih-berganti presiden dan kabinet memimpin Indonesia, kesejahteraan Indonesia mengalami puncaknya hanya selama 32 tahun saat dipimpin Jenderal Soeharto.
Tidak pernah ada sebelum dan sesudahnya, hal ini sangat mirip dengan bangsa Yahudi-Israel saat dipimpin raja Sulaiman.
Masukan yang baru saja tersedia.
Suharto: A Declassified Documentary Obit
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 242
Edited by Brad Simpson
Posted - January 28, 2008
For more information contact:
Brad Simpson - 443/845-4462
Washington, DC, January 28, 2008 - As Indonesia buries the ex-dictator Suharto, who died Sunday at the age of 86, the National Security Archive today posted a selection of declassified U.S. documents detailing his record of repression and corruption, and the long-standing U.S. support for his regime.
The documents include transcripts of meetings with Presidents Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, as well as Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Vice-President Walter Mondale, then Vice-President George W. Bush, and former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke.
Additional documents detail U.S. perceptions of Suharto from the earliest years of his violent rule, including the 1969 annexation of West Papua, the 1975 invasion of East Timor, and the so-called “Mysterious Killings” of 1983-1984.
“In death Suharto has escaped justice both in Indonesia and East Timor,” said Brad Simpson, who directs the Archive's Indonesia and East Timor Documentation Project. “But these declassified documents, detailing the long record of U.S. support for one of the twentieth century’s most brutal and corrupt men, will contribute to our understanding both of Suharto’s rule and of the U.S. support which helped make it possible."
Most of the documents posted today have been declassified as a result of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed by the Archive, in addition to documents unearthed in the National Archives (NARA) and Presidential libraries.
In the coming weeks the Indonesia and East Timor Documentation Project will be posting additional documents concerning the events leading up to Suharto’s downfall in May 1998.
Memorandum of Conversation Between President Richard Nixon and President Suharto, May 26, 1970.
May 26, 1970; 10:45 a.m., White House
Hal tersebut di atas dapat dengan sangat mudah terlihat pada liputan-liputan di bawah ini.
Amnesty International USA statement: Suharto leaves violent legacy
Amnesty International USA
Home > News and Events > News and Reports
Janurary 28, 2008
Ex-General Suharto of Indonesia died quietly in bed at age 86, unlike up to a million Indonesians his loyalists had killed after taking power in a coup, and at least a hundred thousand killed in East Timor. Suharto was a brutal dictator, and his does not end his violent legacy.
After Suharto resigned in disgrace in 1998, attempts to charge him for his crimes proved futile and charges were dropped. The Indonesian military continues to dominate politics and business.
Amnesty International USA is particularly concerned by United States support of Indonesia?s military (TNI). In November 2006, Congress defined restrictions on Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and export of "lethal" military equipment to Indonesia until there was accountability by TNI, especially their militias for killings and violence following East Timor?s 1999 vote for independence. Two days after the bill became law, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, citing the ?war on terror,? issued a waiver removing these restrictions.
Perpetrators of human rights violations continue to enjoy impunity for violations which occurred in East Timor and in Aceh before the tsunami, and continue in Papua, Indonesia. Despite promises to improve human rights, such abuses continue in Papua, where government forces torture, kill and imprison opposition figures and threaten church and community leaders who sometimes ?disappear.? Two Papuans, whom Amnesty International believes are prisoners of conscience, were given long prison sentences for non-violent expression of their beliefs.
Indonesia Bids Farewell to Suharto
Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008
The breathtaking view from Karanganyar's Astana Giribangun mausoleum, the final resting place of former President Suharto, was fit for a king — and the reception of Indonesia's longest-serving leader no less royal. Tens of thousands of Javanese came out to pay their last respects today in this small town in central Java, lining the steep hills overlooking the spectacular rice fields that feed this nation of more than 230 million people. Beneath hundreds of banners that read HAVE A SAFE TRIP FROM THE PEOPLE OF SOLO, old ladies walked for miles under the sweltering midday sun just to catch a glimpse of the ambulance carrying the Javanese native to his family cemetery. "When he was around you could feel his presence," said Endah, a local housewife that had been waiting for three hours on the side of the road for Suharto's caravan to arrive. "He had a charisma unlike any other Indonesian leader."
As the convoy of diplomats, officials and family passed, the crowd roared and waved and blew paper trumpets. Sellers hawking all kinds of goods set up shop early on the roads in anticipation of the journalists, well-wishers and curious onlookers that would show up. "I knew this would be a good chance to make some money," says Rizky, a motorcycle taxi driver who had been ferrying passengers up and down the mountain from points where the police had blocked off traffic. "That's the only reason why I came."
While security was not that tight getting up the mountain, few were allowed to enter the burial ground where President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was leading the ceremony. His voice was full of emotion as he offered words of condolences for the five-star general who was once his superior officer in the military. "We have lost one of the nation's best sons, a loyal fighter, true soldier and honorable statesman," he said. "We say thanks for his great contribution and meritorious service to the nation during his life and forgive his faults." Those who could not get in were forced to watch the proceedings on small televisions set up by the news crews covering the event, which was being broadcast live on national television. Those prominent businessmen and officials who could not make it at all sent ornate wreaths with messages of condolences, their names signed in hundreds of flowers.
When Suharto's body arrived, his coffin, draped in the Indonesian flag, was pulled from a simple, silver caravan by regular soldiers with little other security around the vehicle. There was no mad rush, no wailing or rending of garments, just a quick escort into the area where VIPs and family members were waiting. For such a historic moment, the feeling was subdued — less sadness than respect. "Suharto ruled with an iron fist but he also managed to create a mystique and aura around him," says Sujiwo Tejo, a well-known Javanese playwright and musician who made the trip to Karanganyar. Tejo admitted he was one of many who wanted to get one last look at the aging autocrat who had rarely been seen in public since being deposed ten years ago. "I guess you could say that most are here to show their respect," he mused, "but also because for us this marks the passing of an era."
Indonesia: Focus: Suharto era comes to a close
Jakarta, 28 Jan. (AKI) - (by Jusuf Wanandi) - Suharto died on Sunday after a series of illnesses since stepping down in May 1998. He achieved substantial development and improvements in Indonesia since he reluctantly took over from Sukarno.
However, he destroyed his own achievements because he overstayed his time and effectiveness and became isolated, surrounded by sycophants, as so often happens with authoritarian rulers.
In 1965 he was a hero to many Indonesians when he outlawed the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), which tried to instigate a coup on September 30, 1965, and step by step removed Sukarno reluctantly.
In the vacuum of power that ensued, a few hundred thousands members and supporters of the Communist Party were killed, and he did not do much about it.
Indonesia: Farewell, 'Pak Harto'
* News * Headline
2008-01-29 13:24
JAKARTA, INDONESIA: As the midday sun beat ferociously down on this Central Java city, the body of former Indonesian president Suharto was laid to rest Monday afternoon (28 Jan) in a cool, dark mausoleum next to his late wife.
About 800 members of Indonesia's who's who, as well as foreign dignitaries, made the trek up to the mausoleum at Mount Lawu to bid farewell to the man who led the world's most populous Muslim country for 32 years.
Outside, thousands more - some sobbing openly - thronged the narrow roads to watch the funeral hearse as it made its way there from Solo's Adi Sumarmo airport.
A farmer from Tawangmangu, Mr Paiti, 40, walked for two hours from his home hoping to get a first-hand view of the funeral.
Indonesia: Former Indonesian Dictator Suharto Laid To Rest With Full Military Honors
* News
2008-01-28 13:35
SOLO, INDONESIA: Former Indonesian President Suharto, who led a military dictatorship for three decades and whose regime killed hundreds of thousands of left-wing opponents, was laid to rest Monday (28 Jan) at a state funeral with full military honors.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono led the ceremony, which began just before noon at the Suharto family mausoleum near the city of Solo, Suharto's hometown, some 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of the capital.
Suharto died of multiple-organ failure Sunday (27 Jan), after more than three weeks on life support at a Jakarta hospital. He was 86.
Although he oversaw some of the worst bloodshed of the 20th century, Suharto is credited with developing Indonesia's economy and was buried with the highest state honors.
Indonesia's Suharto: a complex legacy
Christian Science Monitor
By Tom McCawley Mon Jan 28, 3:00 AM ET
Jakarta, Indonesia - Indonesia will never see former President Suharto, who died Sunday, face a courtroom and receive the crisp judgment of the law. Instead, Indonesians must decide how history will judge the complex legacy of the man who ruled them for 32 years.
Suharto held sway over this multiethnic archipelago through guile, cunning, patronage, and cruelty from 1966 to 1998, leaving mixed emotions among Indonesia's 230 million people and a legacy of virulent anticommunism that had a major impact on the region and fostered close ties with the US.
"He was 50 percent good and 50 percent bad," says Thee Kian Wie, a historian.
Some point to Suharto's economic achievements, saying he built roads, schools, and health clinics in thousands of poor villages, and lifted millions out of poverty. "Life was better then, peaceful, easier to make a crust," said Sintha Wati, who sells goods alongside a fetid canal in Jakarta.
Others remember a military-backed strongman who enriched his friends and family and left Indonesia in chaos amid the Asian financial crisis in 1998. "Rice was cheap, streets were peaceful, but people were scared," said Bembenk, a young clerk.
Indonesia's Suharto dies; former dictator was close ally of U.S.
Plain Dealer
UPDATED: 11 :58 a.m. EDT, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post
Suharto, who in 32 years of authoritarian rule of Indonesia turned one of Asia's largest and poorest countries into a fast-growing tiger economy, died Sunday in Jakarta. He was 86.
The Associated Press reported that the chief presidential doctor, Marjo Subiandono, listed the cause of death as multi-organ failure. The former leader had been admitted to a hospital earlier this month with kidney, heart and lungs problems, and his condition dramatically worsened over the weekend.
Suharto rose from a poor farmer's son to five-star army general, then president, a man of quiet determination who came to believe in his own indispensability, historians say. His strong anti-communism made him a close U.S. ally for much of his rule.
He was forced from office in 1998 when military officers and political allies abandoned him in the face of massive street protests over corruption, repression and a financial panic that stalled the country's advance toward affluence.
Suharto was Indonesia's Pol Pot: Sukarno widow
Posted Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:09pm AEDT
The Japanese widow of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno says she will never forgive his successor Suharto for his repression, and has likened him to Pol Pot.
Suharto seized power from Sukarno in 1965-66 and ruled with an iron fist for another three decades.
"I don't want to lash out at a dead man but I cannot forgive Suharto," Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno, Sukarno's third wife said.
"He was Indonesia's Pol Pot," she said, referring to the late leader of Cambodia's genocidal Khmer Rouge.
Suharto: Former dictator of Indonesia who presided over three decades of growth – and a corrupt and brutal regime
Home > Obituaries
Monday, 28 January 2008
Haji Mohamed Suharto, politician: born Kemusu, Java 8 June 1921; Acting President of Indonesia 1967-68, President 1968-98; Honorary GCB 1974; married 1947 Siti Hartinah (died 1996; three sons, three daughters); died Jakarta 27 January 2008.
Longevity usually softens judgement in Asia, but the reputation of Suharto, the former president of Indonesia, has not been improved by the passing of the years since he bowed to a wave of public anger and violence and reluctantly resigned from office in May 1998. The resentment of his use of office to enrich himself and his family was exacerbated by the subsequent reluctance of the authorities to move against Suharto, his backers and even the more blatantly corrupt of his sons.
Had Suharto stepped down earlier, Indonesia might have agreed that his achievement of three decades of economic growth out-weighed his failings. As it is, his failure to create a democratic system which would have facilitated the handover of power plunged Indonesia into further years of weak government, economic crises, crimes against humanity and widespread corruption.
Suharto himself, evidently in declining health, kept a low profile during the years after his resignation, remaining quietly behind the high walls of his fortified villa in a suburb of Jakarta. The headlines were devoted instead to the fortunes of his family. In 2000, the authorities plucked up sufficient resolve to move against Suharto's favourite son, Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala Putra, who went on to serve a third of a 15-year prison sentence. A state court had declared that Suharto himself was too ill to stand trial on criminal corruption charges, although a civil case against him began this month in a Jakarta court, as he lay in hospital in a critical condition.

Co Rentmeester/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
'Smiling general': Suharto in 1966
Suharto, tyrant of Indonesia, dies without facing justice
Home > World > Asia
By Kathy Marks, Asia-Pacific Correspondent
Monday, 28 January 2008
Indonesia's former dictator Suharto died yesterday. At least half a million people were killed during his 32 years in power, but he was never brought to justice.
Suharto, 86, had clung to life tenaciously after being admitted to a Jakarta hospital three weeks ago with failing kidneys, heart and lungs. Yesterday, despite the efforts of dozens of Indonesia's best doctors, he fell into a coma and was pronounced dead at 1.10pm local time.
He came to power on a wave of anti-Communist hysteria in 1966 but was toppled in 1998 following mass street protests triggered by the Asian economic crisis.
Indonesia then embraced democracy but the ex-dictator, who presided over some of the region's worst human rights abuses, was never brought to account, and was able to live out a peaceful retirement in a leafy Jakarta neighbourhood. State prosecutors accused the former army general of embezzling $600m much of it allegedly channelled to his inner circle, including his family. But in 2006 judges ruled he was too ill to stand trial. Critics claimed the decision had more to do with the awe in which Suharto continued to be held by his successors, all of whom had pledged to stamp out corruption.
A Mixed Legacy For Indonesia's Suharto
Faces In The News
Shu-Ching Jean Chen, 01.28.08, 2:26 AM ET
HONG KONG - The former Indonesian dictator Suharto would likely have flashed his signature smile if he could have seen his country’s response to his passing.
Nine years after he was forced from power, and following faltering efforts to bring him to trial on charges of corruption, Suharto was given a solemn send-off fit for a revered statesman Monday. Tens of thousands of people lined the streets around the royal city of Solo to bid farewell as his coffin was conveyed to his family tomb, where he was buried in a ceremony attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. A weeklong period of mourning was declared, with flags across the nation set at half mast.
Suharto died Sunday afternoon of multiple organ failure after for more than three weeks in intensive care. He was 86.
Suharto ruled Indonesia with an iron fist from 1966 to 1998, when he was ousted in a popular uprising amid a nationwide financial meltdown. He was widely condemned for a brutal reign that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of political opponents, perhaps up to 1 million, many of whom were communists massacred after he came to power. However, he was also credited with single-handedly guiding Indonesia’s economic rise and unifying a country spread over 17,000 islands and religious and ethnic fault lines.
Suharto Is Buried as Indonesia Debates His Legacy (Update1)
By Berni Moestafa and Karima Anjani
Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Former Indonesian President Suharto was buried today, leaving a nation split between demanding justice for alleged abuses committed during his 32-year rule and forgiving a leader who brought stability and economic growth.
The dictator, forced to quit in 1998, died of multiple organ failure at a hospital in Jakarta yesterday at the age of 86. "If father has made mistakes, we ask that he be forgiven,'' said his daughter, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana.
Suharto's "authoritarian system temporarily created stability and welfare,'' said J. Kristiadi, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta. "But it lacked the process of democracy to uphold human rights and eventually rotted from within.''
The former dictator's rule, one of Asia's longest, saw the economy expand 6.1 percent annually in the 1980s, making it among the 10 fastest growing, according to the World Bank. He was ousted amid economic strife and violent pro-democracy protests as critics alleged his family and friends, with interests in businesses from trading cloves to transporting petrochemicals, benefited the most from the country's expansion.
Life, career of Indonesia's strongman
Manila Times
Monday, January 28, 2008
JAKARTA: Lauded by some as a pro-market Cold Warrior who brought stability to Indonesia, shunned by others as a corrupt autocrat, Suharto -- who died Sunday aged 86 -- dominated his country's politics for 32 years.
Key events in his life and career:
June 8, 1921: Born to a farming family on the main Indonesian island of Java, then part of the Netherlands Indies.
1940 to 1943: Joins the Royal Netherlands Indies Army, rising to the rank of sergeant. Following Japanese occupation in 1942, he joins Japanese-backed independence militia Pembela.
1945 to 1949: Joins newly formed national army following declaration of independence. Distinguishes himself in the fight against returning Dutch colonialists until sovereignty is finally transferred in December 1949.
1963: Becomes commander of the Army's Strategic Reserve (Kostrad) in Jakarta.
March 11, 1966: Forces Sukarno to sign an executive order granting him power to restore order in the wake of a September 1965 coup attempt blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The order, which effectively transfers power to Suharto, gives legitimacy to a crackdown on suspected PKI members that kills more than half a million.
March 12, 1967: Suharto is appointed acting president by the provisional people's consultative assembly, which had rejected Sukarno's accountability speech.
August 8, 1967: Along with foreign leaders, helps establish the new regional grouping the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).
March 21, 1968: Suharto is confirmed as president by the People's Consultative Assembly, the nation's legislature. He is elected unopposed again in 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993 and 1998.
December 7, 1975: Begins large-scale military operations in newly independent neighbor East Timor, eventually leading to its annexation as an Indonesian province. Around 200,000 Timorese are either killed in the invasion or die from preventable causes during the occupation.
1985: Indonesia becomes self-sufficient in rice, its staple food, after decades of being one of the world's largest importers.
1990: Establishes the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals in an apparent move to cultivate orthodox Muslim support to counter fading enthusiasm for his rule among senior military officials concerned with the questionable business practices of his children.
May 21, 1998: Suharto steps down as president amid protests and riots throughout the country after the 1997 East Asian economic crisis plunges millions into poverty. He retreats to his home in Jakarta's upscale Menteng neighborhood.
May 12, 2006: Indonesia's democratically elected government finally drops a criminal corruption case against the former president, citing his ill health.
January 4, 2008: Suharto is admitted to hospital and shortly afterward suffers multiple organ failure. Over three weeks he surprises doctors by his resilience as his condition wavers between life and death.
January 27, 2008: Suharto dies at age 86. "Father has returned to God," his eldest daughter, Siti Hariyanti Rukmana, told reporters. "We ask that if he had any faults, please forgive them . . . may he be absolved of all his mistakes." -- AFP
Lasting legacy of the Suharto era
Source: Al Jazeera
10:10 MECCA TIME, 7:10 GMT
By Marianne Kearney in Jakarta
As Indonesia marks the death of its former president, survivors of Suharto's military backed regime - from East Timor to Aceh and the Javanese countryside - have sparked a debate about whether the former strongman should be forgiven.
The five-star former general, who died on Sunday afternoon, took over Indonesia in 1966, exploiting an alleged coup to purge Indonesia of the world's largest communist party outside China and sideline Indonesia's first president Sukarno.
Between half a million to a million people were killed as the army organized Muslim groups and ordinary citizens to take their revenge on the Indonesian Communist Party.
Hundreds of thousands of others were jailed, killed or simply disappeared as Suharto cracked down on opponents and stamped Indonesia's rule on territories as far apart as Aceh in the west to Timor and Papua in the east.
Suharto buried with full honours
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
7:55 MECCA TIME, 4:55 GMT
The body of Indonesia's former president Suharto has been buried at a state funeral in his hometown of Solo in central Java.
Monday's ceremony at the ornate Suharto family mausoleum was opened by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Indonesian president, who has called for a week of national mourning.
The 86-year-old former general, who ruled Indonesia with an iron grip for more than three decades, died on Sunday from multiple organ failure.
His rule saw the deaths of hundreds of thousands of opponents but for many millions of supporters he brought economic growth and stability to Indonesia.
Indonesia's Suharto dies
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
11:00 MECCA TIME, 8:00 GMT
Suharto, Indonesia's former president, who ruled for more than 30 years, has died.
He died from multiple organ failure on Sunday. Suharto, 86, was taken to hospital on January 4, suffering from various heart, lung and kidney problems.
The former president suffered his first multiple organ failure a week after he was admitted, but had improved in recent days, with doctors saying that he was able to breathe without the aid of a respirator.
But his condition deteriorated again and he suffered a second multiple organ failure.
Obituary: Suharto
Source: Agencies
15:30 MECCA TIME, 12:30 GMT
As president of the world's most-populous Muslim nation, Suharto ruled Indonesia with an iron fist for more than three decades.
He was born in 1921 on the island of Java and began his military career in the colonial Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, but went on to serve in the Indonesian National Revolution in the guerrilla war against the Dutch that led to independence.
The "smiling general" replaced Sukarno, the country's first president, in 1967, two years after an alleged coup attempt that saw the murders of six high-ranking generals and one lieutenant.
Sukarno's bodyguards said that the seven officers were killed because they were involved in a CIA-backed plot, but Suharto blamed Sukarno's allies and increasingly powerful Indonesian communist party.
... ... ... ...
Suharto timeline
1950s – Suharto rises quickly in ranks of post-independence Indonesian military, helping to crush several rebellions
1965-67 – Escaped an attempted coup and manipulated the resulting confusion to become Indonesia's second president
1975 – Suharto orders invasion of East Timor, leading to deaths of more than 100,000 East Timorese
1970s-1980s – Pro-western modernisation drive brings sustained economic growth, but also widespread corruption
1997 – Asian financial crisis plunges Indonesia into financial chaos, triggering months of internal unrest and mass demonstrations
1998 – Continued economic turmoil forces Suahrto to announce his resignation
2007 – Prosecutors sue Suharto for $1.4bn over alleged misuse of funds from a charity he chaired while in office
Marilah kita tinjau juga tayangan-tayangan video yang pernah dibuat dan juga beredar berikut ini.
Indonesians assess Suharto's legacy - 14 Jan 08
3 min - Jan 14, 2008
...President Suharto ruled Indonesia for more than three decades, before mounting opposition forced him to step down. His autocratic style brought economic growth, but against
From: AlJazeeraEnglish
President Suharto ruled Indonesia for more than three decades, before mounting opposition forced him to step down.
His autocratic style brought economic growth, but against a background of corruption and human rights abuses.
Now, following multiple organ failure, doctors have put the 86-year-old's chances of survival at 50 per cent, and told his family to prepare for the worst.
As a result, many Indonesians have begun to reassess his time in power.
Step Vaessen reports.
Suharto Fights Back - 46-min Documentary
10 min - Nov 8, 2007
his supporters to force Suharto to clean up his act. The head of the IMF in Jakarta tells of his frustrations in dealing with Suharto. The IMF demanded
From: journeymanpictures
April 1998
A strong film on the anti-Suharto protests and the army's support for him in the days before he stepped down.
After devastating and deadly riots in Indonesia the question on everybody's lips is whether the people can convince the army to join them. We have an exclusive interview with one of the country's most powerful military men, General Prabowo, who has been linked with the Muslim 'Green' faction which wants to seize power for itself. Amien Rais, leader of the 28 million strong opposition Muhammadiyah party, talks of the strength of his supporters to force Suharto to clean up his act. The head of the IMF in Jakarta tells of his frustrations in dealing with Suharto. The IMF demanded that some of the nepotism and cronyism stop, but Suharto has clearly been consolidating his family's position. His daughter Titiek rebuts questions with a regal air. Her multi-billion plan to build the world's longest bridge was blocked by the IMF. In a multi-story car park the military prepare for another food riot. Mothers are arrested as they protest about the soaring cost of baby milk. They hand the soldiers flowers as a symbol of 'People's Power', the Philippines movement where the army sided with the people to topple the President.
Suharto sebuah kenangan 1
2 min - Jan 12, 2008
...Tahun 1966, Suharto diangkat Sukarno menggantikan Ahmad Yani menjadi Men.Pangad. Dalam kesempatan ini sekitar Januari 1966 (?) dia mendapat sumbangan beras dan
From: RSH1945
Tahun 1966, Suharto diangkat Sukarno menggantikan Ahmad Yani menjadi Men.Pangad. Dalam kesempatan ini sekitar Januari 1966 (?) dia mendapat sumbangan beras dan uang dari rakyat guna usaha pemulihan keamanan pasca G30S.
Suharto sebuah kenangan 2
2 min - Jan 13, 2008
akibat gugurnya Jenderal A.Yani) pada tanggal 14 Oktober 1965 May.Jen Suharto diangkat sebagai Menteri Panglima Angkatan Darat. Pelantikan siadakan pada tanggal 16 Oktober 1965
From: RSH1945
Untuk mengisi kekosongan pimpinan Angkatan Darat (akibat gugurnya Jenderal A.Yani) pada tanggal 14 Oktober 1965 May.Jen Suharto diangkat sebagai Menteri Panglima Angkatan Darat. Pelantikan siadakan pada tanggal 16 Oktober 1965 di Istana Negara oleh Presiden Sukarno.
Suharto sebuah kenangan 3
4 min - Jan 13, 2008
kenangan 3...Tahun 1971 merupakan tahun yang berkesan dalam pemerintahan Suharto, karena pemilu orba yang pertama dianggap sukses pada bulan Juli 1971. Saat itu adalah tahun
From: RSH1945
Tahun 1971 merupakan tahun yang berkesan dalam pemerintahan Suharto, karena pemilu orba yang pertama dianggap sukses pada bulan Juli 1971. Saat itu adalah tahun ketiga masa kepemimpinannya sebagai presiden (sebelumnya sebagai pejabat presiden) setelah resmi dilantik , pada tanggal 27 Maret 1968. Film ini memperlihatkan peringatan Proklamasi ke 26, tanggal 17 Agustus 1971 di Istana Merdeka Jakarta.
Suharto dalam kenangan...
9 min - Jan 28, 2008
.....Suharto dalam kenangan......Suharto dalam kenangan
From: sedotanlimun
Suharto dalam kenangan...
Suharto dalam kenangan...2
8 min - Jan 28, 2008
.2...Suharto dalam kenangan...2...Suharto dalam kenangan.
From: sedotanlimun
Suharto dalam kenangan...2
Former Indonesian President Suharto dies at 86 :Mixed Legacy
10 min - Jan 27, 2008
CNN. estory Highlights NEW: Former Indonesian dictator Suharto dies at a hospital in Jakarta, at age 86 Suharto was hospitalized on January 4 for anemia He had
From: Matanjun
January 27, 2008. JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- Former Indonesian dictator Haji Muhammad Suharto -- the "smiling general" who ruled his country with an iron fist for three decades -- died Sunday at a hospital in Jakarta, said his doctor. He was 86. He was rushed to Pertamina Hospital on January 4 for treatment of a failing liver, heart and lungs, his doctors said.He had been suffering at home for five days. His death comes just a day after his doctors said he appeared to be making a remarkable recovery. Suharto, who, like other Indonesians, only has one name, was president of Indonesia from 1967 until he was forced to resign -- under immense political pressure -- in 1998. He is credited with shaping modern Indonesia by boosting the economy and making the sprawling archipelago a regional power. However, he also reigned as the nation was beset by internal corruption and, at the end of his rule, economic decline. "He was known as the smiling general. He could be very charming, but behind that smile was this streak of steel," said Richard Woolcott, Australia's former ambassador to Indonesia. "In the short term, he'll probably be judged fairly harshly by Australian critics and others in the West, but in the longer term, I suspect historians will see his contributions to Indonesia in a very positive light," Woolcott told CNN. EStory Highlights
NEW: Former Indonesian dictator Suharto dies at a hospital in Jakarta, at age 86
Suharto was hospitalized on January 4 for anemia
He had been treated for a failing liver, heart and lungs
His death comes a day after his doctors said he appeared to be making a recovery
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Key dates in the life of Indonesia's former dictator Suharto:
June 8, 1921: Born in village of Godean, central Java, to poor rice-farming family.
June 1941: After working at bank, enlists in Dutch colonial army.
1942: Joins collaborationist unit set up by Japanese occupation army that after World War II leads fight to win independence from Dutch colonial rule in 1949.
1953: Appointed regional army commander in central Java.
1959: Accused of engaging in corrupt business ventures.
1961: Participates in unsuccessful military effort to drive Dutch out of West Papua colony, but territory ceded to Indonesia through U.S.-brokered agreement.
1964: Appointed commander of army's reserve force.
Sept. 30, 1965: Leads effort to put down military rebellion he blames on communists.
March 11, 1966: Assumes power from Indonesia's founding President Sukarno, leads purge that kills up to 1 million communists, trade unionists and other leftists over next four years.
1968: Unanimously elected by legislature to first five-year term as president. Re-elected unopposed in 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993 and 1998.
1969: Oversees vote by 1,000 West Papuans hand-picked by secret police, who opt unanimously for integration into Indonesia. Vote widely seen as sham.
Dec. 7, 1975: Orders army to invade East Timor, newly independent from Portuguese rule.
1976: Faces separatist uprising in Aceh province, which continued for nearly three decades.
1980: Hears appeals from former government and military commanders to crack down on corruption as his children and cronies enrich themselves.
1997-98: Finds hold on power undermined as Asian financial crisis devastates economies in Southeast Asia, with Indonesia's hit hardest.
May 21, 1998: Resigns amid widespread street protests and riots.
2000: Indicted for allegedly embezzling nearly $600 million, but judges rule him not healthy enough to stand trial.
May 4, 2006: Hospitalized for fourth time since ouster, suffering from internal bleeding.
May 12, 2006: Corruption indictment withdawn by government, citing Suharto's poor health.Sept. 10, 2006: Indonesia's Supreme Court orders Time magazine to pay $106 million for defaming Suharto by alleging his family amassed billions of dollars during his reign. Magazine vows to appeal.
Jan. 27, 2008: Dies in Jakarta of multi-organ failure.
6 min - Jan 28, 2008
Suharto is dead!!! How the US supported him -1/5
11 min - Jan 29, 2008
President Suharto was a historic figure who left a lasting imprint on Indonesia and the region of Southeast Asia." [includes rush transcript]...suharto indonesia
From: IWantDemocracyNow
Former Indonesian Dictator, U.S. Ally & Mass Murderer, Suharto, 86, Dies
Today a Democracy Now! special -- an in-depth look at Suharto's brutal thirty-year reign and the role of the United States in shoring him up. Suharto rose to power in 1965, killing up to a million Indonesians. Hundreds of thousands of more people died during the U.S.-supported Indonesian invasion and occupation of East Timor. Tens of thousands also died in West Papua and Aceh. On Sunday, Cameron Hume, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, said "Though there may be some controversy over his legacy, President Suharto was a historic figure who left a lasting imprint on Indonesia and the region of Southeast Asia." [includes rush transcript]
Added: January 28, 2008
Suharto is dead!!! How the US supported him -3/5
11 min - Jan 29, 2008
gunned down more than 270 Timorese, and the history of Indonesian and US involvement in East Timor....suharto indonesia east timor US america democracy now
From: IWantDemocracyNow
Massacre: The Story of East Timor
An excerpt from Amy Goodman and Allan Nairn's award-winning documentary on the Santa Cruz massacre, in which the Indonesian military gunned down more than 270 Timorese, and the history of Indonesian and US involvement in East Timor.
Added: January 28, 2008
Suharto is dead!!! How the US supported him -4/5
11 min - Jan 29, 2008
and Bill Clinton on how the Carter and Clinton administrations backed Suharto despite his brutal human rights record....suharto indonesia east timor US america democracy now
From: IWantDemocracyNow
The Democrats & Suharto: Bill Clinton & Richard Holbrooke Questioned on Their Support for Brutal Indonesian Dictatorship
Democracy Now! re-airs Allan Nairn's questioning of Richard Holbrooke (who is now a senior foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton) and Bill Clinton on how the Carter and Clinton administrations backed Suharto despite his brutal human rights record.
Added: January 28, 2008
Suharto is dead!!! How the US supported him -5/5
6 min - Jan 29, 2008
and Bill Clinton on how the Carter and Clinton administrations backed Suharto despite his brutal human rights record....suharto indonesia east timor US america democracy now
From: IWantDemocracyNow
The Democrats & Suharto: Bill Clinton & Richard Holbrooke Questioned on Their Support for Brutal Indonesian Dictatorship
Democracy Now! re-airs Allan Nairn's questioning of Richard Holbrooke (who is now a senior foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton) and Bill Clinton on how the Carter and Clinton administrations backed Suharto despite his brutal human rights record.
Added: January 28, 2008
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