Thursday, February 14, 2008

Imel berantai? -- Kebenaran akan nama Yesus

Perkembangan imel berantai, hanya cukup tekan klik FWD!

Tuhan Yesus Kristus sudah pasti akan bilang,

"Ini sampah, kalian sebagai murid-murid'Ku, sebagai Injil'Ku yang ke-lima, sungguh payah!

Suatu Kebenaran tidak mungkin dibangun di atas Ketidakbenaran.

Sudah ku'letakkan otak di kepala kalian dan bukan

Lain kali, imel semacam ini langsung dimasukkan ke tempat sampah saja."

Kutipan-kutipan yang tertulis di bawah ini TIDAK benar)

Mari kita lihat teks aslinya, versi bahasa Inggris.

(Sangat disayangkan bahwa penulis sampai saat ini belum mendapatkan sumber teks yang pertamanya)


Author Topic: Mocking God? (Read 13205 views)

layi (m) Mocking God? « on: January 07, 2006, 02:42 PM »

Never doubt the Word of God!!!

Make a personal reflection about this.

Very interesting, read until the end...

"Be not deceived;
God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

Here are some men and women who mocked God:


Some years before during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:

"Christianity will end, it will disappear.
I do not have to argue about that.
I am certain.
Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, Today we are more famous than Him."

Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.


During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.

Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.


During a show in Canecão (Rio de Janeiro), whilst smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:

God, that's for you.

I can't even explain how he died.


After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.

With an ironic tone he said:

"Not even God can sink it"

The result:

I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.


She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show.

He is a preacher and Evangelist and the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.

After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:

"I don't need your Jesus"

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.


The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC.

On one of his 1979 songs he sang:

"Don´t stop me, I´m going down all the way, wow the highway to hell".

On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his vomit.


In Campinas, a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.

The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter - holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:

She responded:


Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the boot was intact.

The police said there was no way the boot could have remained intact.

To their surprise, inside the boot was a crate of eggs, none was broken.

Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.

Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive.


To Some Nairaland forumites here might read this piece and say "GOD is mean"...but like i always say Mean or point to the fact that there actualy is a GOD.

He is just...unquestionable.

He is almighty.

To all u who mock him 'Be careful'.

I ask again

"What can man give in exchange of his soul?"

(Mathew 16:26).

Be wise, think twice.

Versi dua bahasa, Inggris dan Indonesia.


JNM <*> Indonesia membutuhkan..; Mohon bantuannya & God Bless You All
Tue, 08 Jan 2008 03:26:15 -0800

From: "Leonard Handjojo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

God Bless You All

Galatia 6:7,
"Jangan sesat!
Tuhan tidak membiarkan diri-Nya dipermainkan.
Karena apa yang ditabur orang, itu juga yang akan dituainya"

The Truth about His name -- "Jesus"
Kebenaran akan nama Yesus


Apakah anda tahu tentang fakta2 ini?
Saya yakin anda belum mengetahuinya sampai saat ini.

Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!
Make a personal reflection about this.....
Very interesting, read until the end.....

Kematian adalah pasti, namun Alkitab menuliskan tentang kematian yang tidak
dapat ditentukan kapan waktunya tiba.
Buatlah kajian pribadi tentang ini..
sangatlah menarik.. bacalah sampai selesai.

It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Dalam Galatia 6:7, Alkitab mengatakan:
"Jangan sesat! Tuhan tidak membiarkan diri-Nya dipermainkan. Karena apa yang ditabur orang, itu juga yang akan dituainya"

Here are some men and women who mocked God:

Inilah fakta atas beberapa orang yang telah mengolok-olok Tuhan:

JOHN LENNON (Singer) - - -
JOHN LENNON (Penyanyi kelompok the Beatles):

Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:
"Christianity will end, it will disappear.
I do not have to argue about that.
I am certain.
Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple.
Today we are more famous than Him."

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, saat wawancara dengan sebuah majalah Amerika, John Lennon berkata:
"Kekristenan akan berakhir, dan akan menghilang.
Saya yakin hal itu tidak dapat diragukan lagi.
Yesus sih lumayan, tapi tujuan-tujuanNya terlalu sederhana.
Hari ini kami (the Beatles) lebih terkenal dari Dia

Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.

John Lennon setelah mengatakan bahwa the Beatles lebih terkenal dari Yesus Kristus, dibunuh oleh penggemarnya dengan 6 kali tembakan.

TANCREDO NEVES (President of Brazil) - - -
TANCREDO NEVES (Presiden Brasil):

During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.

Selama masa kampanye kepresidenannya, dia berkata bahwa jika ia mendapatkan 500,000 suara pemilih dari partainya, maka Tuhan pun tidak akan bisa menyingkirkan dia dari posisi kepresidenannya.

Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died..

Tancredo Neves memang berhasil mendapatkan suaranya, namun dia jatuh sakit
sehari sebelum pelantikannya sebagai presiden, dan kemudian meninggal.

CAZUZA (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet) - - -
CAZUZA (komposer Brasil penganut bi-sexual, penyanyi and penulis puisi):

During a show in Canecio (Rio de Janeiro), while smoking his cigarette, he puffed
out some smoke into the air and said: "God, that's for you."

Selama show-nya di Canecio (Rio de Janeiro), ketika ia sedang menghisap rokok, dia menghembuskan beberapa asap rokoknya ke udara dan berkata" "Tuhan, ini (asap rokok) untuk-Mu."

He died at the age of 32 of AIDS in a horrible manner.

Dia meninggal dalam keadaan yg sangat mengerikan karena AIDS pada usia 32 tahun.

Orang yang membuat TITANIC

After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.

Setelah pembangunan kapal Titanic, seorang reporter bertanya seberapa amankah kapal Titanic tersebut.

With an ironic tone he said: "Not even God can sink it."

Dengan nada mengejek dia menjawab: "Tuhan pun tidak akan bisa menenggelamkannya."

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.

Hasilnya: Saya rasa anda semua tahu apa yang terjadi dengan Titanic.

MARILYN MONROE (Actress) - - -

She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.

Dia dikunjungi oleh Billy Graham pada saat sebuah pertunjukan show. Billy Graham
berkata bahwa Roh Tuhan telah mengutusnya untuk memberitakan Injil kepada Marilyn Monroe.

After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said: "I don't need your Jesus."

Setelah mendengarkan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh Billy Graham, dia berkata" "Saya tidak perlu Yesus-mu."

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.

Seminggu kemudian Marilyn Monroe ditemukan tewas di apartemennya.

BON SCOTT (Singer) - - -
BON SCOTT (Penyanyi):

The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang: "Don't stop me, I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell."

Mantan vokalis AC/DC. Dalam salah satu lagu yg dinyanyikannya tahun 1979 berbunyi: "Jangan hentikan saya, saya akan terus turun, turun ke jalan neraka."

On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.

Pada tgl 19 Februari 1980, Bon Scoot ditemukan tewas karena tersedak oleh muntahnya sendiri.

CAMPINAS (in 2005) - - -
CAMPINAS (tahun 2005):

In Campinas, Brazil, a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.....

Di Campinas, Brasil, sekelompok sahabat yang mabuk pergi untuk menjemput seorang temannya.

The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car: "My daughter, go with God and may He protect you.."

Pada saat ibu anak tersebut mengantar anaknya ke mobil, dia sangat kuatir dengan kemabukan teman2nya; sambil memegang tangan anaknya yg duduk di mobil dia berkata: "Anakku, pergilah bersama dengan Tuhan, dan kiranya Dia melindungimu.."

She responded: "Only if He (God) travels in the trunk, cause inside here..... it's already full."

Anaknya menjawab: "Ya jika Tuhan mau duduk di bagasi, sebab di dalam sini sudah penuh."

Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.

Beberapa jam kemudian, ada berita/informasi yang mengabarkan bahwa anak-anak muda tersebut mengalami sebuah kecelakaan yang fatal, dan semuanya tewas. Mobilnya bahkan tidak dapat dikenali lagi jenisnya.., namun anehnya bagasi mobil tersebut utuh.

The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none were broken.

Polisi berkata bahwa tidak mungkin bagasi mobil tersebut bisa utuh. Yang lebih mengejutkan mereka, di dalam bagasi tersebut ada 1 peti telur, namun tidak ada satu pun yang pecah.

CHRISRTINE HEWITT (Jamaican Journalist and entertainer) - - -
CHRISRTINE HEWITT (Jurnalis Jamaica & penghibur):

Said the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written.

Berkata bahwa Alkitab (Firman Tuhan) adalah buku terburuk yang pernah ditulis.

In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.

Juni 2006, dia ditemukan tewas terbakar di motornya dan tak dapat dikenali lagi.

Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus. Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive.

Banyak orang-orang penting yang lupa bahwa tidak ada nama lain yang pada-Nya diberikan kuasa penuh selain nama Yesus. Banyak yang telah mati, namun hanya Yesus yang mati dan bangkit kembali, dan Dia tetap hidup selamanya.

If it was a joke, you would have sent it to everyone.
So are you going to have courage to send this?
I have done my part, Jesus said,
"If you are embarrassed about me, I will also be embarrassed about you before my father.

God Bless U All.....

Versi bahasa Indonesia saja.


[Pemuda Advent] Kebenaran akan nama Yesus

Sun, 10 Feb 2008 19:17:35 -0800

This is not a joke but the truth!! gbu

The Truth about His name -- "Jesus"
Kebenaran akan nama Yesus

Apakah anda tahu tentang fakta2 ini?
Saya yakin anda belum mengetahuinya sampai saat ini.
Kematian adalah pasti, namun Alkitab menuliskan tentang kematian yang tidak dapat ditentukan kapan waktunya tiba.
Buatlah kajian pribadi tentang ini.. sangatlah menarik.. bacalah sampai selesai.

Dalam Galatia 6:7, Alkitab mengatakan:

"Jangan sesat!
Allah tidak membiarkan diri-Nya dipermainkan.
Karena apa yang ditabur orang, itu juga yang akan dituainya"

Inilah fakta atas beberapa orang yang telah mengolok-olok Tuhan:

JOHN LENNON (Penyanyi kelompok the Beatles):

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, saat wawancara dengan sebuah majalah Amerika, John Lennon berkata:
"Kekristenan akan berakhir, dan akan menghilang.
Saya yakin hal itu tidak dapat diragukan lagi.
Yesus sih lumayan, tapi tujuan-tujuanNya terlalu sederhana.
Hari ini kami (the Beatles) lebih terkenal dari Dia."

John Lennon setelah mengatakan bahwa the Beatles lebih terkenal dari Yesus Kristus, dibunuh oleh penggemarnya dengan 6 kali tembakan.

TANCREDO NEVES (Presiden Brasil):

Selama masa kampanye kepresidenannya, dia berkata bahwa jika ia mendapatkan 500,000 suara pemilih dari partainya, maka Tuhan pun tidak akan bisa menyingkirkan dia dari posisi kepresidenannya.

Tancredo Neves memang berhasil mendapatkan suaranya, namun dia jatuh sakit sehari sebelum pelantikannya sebagai presiden, dan kemudian meninggal.

CAZUZA (komposer Brasil penganut bi-sexual, penyanyi and penulis puisi):

Selama show-nya di Canecio (Rio de Janeiro), ketika ia sedang menghisap rokok, dia menghembuskan beberapa asap rokoknya ke udara dan berkata, "Tuhan, ini (asap rokok) untuk-Mu."

Dia meninggal dalam keadaan yg sangat mengerikan karena AIDS pada usia 32 tahun.

Orang yang membuat TITANIC

Setelah pembangunan kapal Titanic, seorang reporter bertanya seberapa amankah kapal Titanic tersebut.

Dengan nada mengejek dia menjawab: "Tuhan pun tidak akan bisa menenggelamkannya."
Hasilnya: Saya rasa anda semua tahu apa yang terjadi dengan Titanic.


Dia dikunjungi oleh Billy Graham pada saat sebuah pertunjukan show.

Billy Graham berkata bahwa Roh Tuhan telah mengutusnya untuk memberitakan Injil kepada Marilyn Monroe.

Setelah mendengarkan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh Billy Graham, dia berkata: "Saya tidak perlu Yesus-mu."

Seminggu kemudian Marilyn Monroe ditemukan tewas di apartemennya.

BON SCOTT (Penyanyi):

Mantan vokalis AC/DC.

Dalam salah satu lagu yg dinyanyikannya tahun 1979 berbunyi:

"Jangan hentikan saya, saya akan terus turun, turun ke jalan neraka."

Pada tgl 19 Februari 1980, Bon Scoot ditemukan tewas karena tersedak oleh muntahnya sendiri.

CAMPINAS (tahun 2005):

Di Campinas, Brasil, sekelompok sahabat yang mabuk pergi untuk menjemput seorang temannya.

Pada saat ibu anak tersebut mengantar anaknya ke mobil, dia sangat kuatir dengan kemabukan teman2nya; sambil memegang tangan anaknya yg duduk di mobil dia berkata: "Anakku, pergilah bersama dengan Tuhan, dan kiranya Dia melindungimu.."

Anaknya menjawab: "Ya jika Tuhan mau duduk di bagasi, sebab di dalam sini sudah penuh."

Beberapa jam kemudian, ada berita/informasi yang mengabarkan bahwa anak-anak muda tersebut mengalami sebuah kecelakaan yang fatal, dan semuanya tewas. Mobilnya bahkan tidak dapat dikenali lagi jenisnya.., namun anehnya bagasi mobil tersebut utuh.

Polisi berkata bahwa tidak mungkin bagasi mobil tersebut bisa utuh. Yang lebih mengejutkan mereka, di dalam bagasi tersebut ada 1 peti telur, namun tidak ada satu pun yang pecah.

CHRISRTINE HEWITT (Jurnalis Jamaica & penghibur)

Berkata bahwa Alkitab (Firman Tuhan) adalah buku terburuk yang pernah ditulis.

Juni 2006, dia ditemukan tewas terbakar di motornya dan tak dapat dikenali lagi.

Banyak orang-orang penting yang lupa bahwa tidak ada nama lain yang pada-Nya diberikan kuasa penuh selain nama Yesus.

Banyak yang telah mati, namun hanya Yesus yang mati dan bangkit kembali, dan Dia tetap hidup selamanya.

[Mungkin jika artikel ini sebuah lelucon, anda sudah langsung mengirimkannya ke setiap orang.
Apakah anda memiliki keberanian untuk mengirimkan email ini (tentang Yesus) kepada orang lain?
Saya telah melakukan bagian saya, Yesus berkata, "Jika kamu menyangkal aku dihadapan manusia, maka juga akan menyangkal kamu di hadapan Bapa-Ku."]

Salah satu tanggapan yang beredar di dunia maya.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

men and women who mocked God! tsk tsk beware! :D

Thou art warned.. Thou shalt not mock God..

"Come look at the happy sun!! If you stare long enough, it turns dark blue!!"

... ... ... ...

I have done my part,

Jesus said "If you get embarrassed about me, I will also get embarrassed about you before my father What benefit does it have, if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul? What can man give in exchange of his soul? (Matthew 16:26).

God will put his Angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go. - Psalms 91:11


Who mocks God?

February 23, 2006 at 2:16 pm · Filed under Uncategorized

I posted this a while ago in my Tabulas:

... ... ... ...

I found this on Ifeven123, and it’s good.
(Even if John Lennon sounded like a bad guy.)
Well, seems that God shouldn’t be doubted.
But since he loves us, why kill us?
I am not doubting.


Brad Pierce said,

April 3, 2007 @ 7:10 pm

The comment about Marilyn Monroe isn’t true. I contacted Billy Graham’s ministerial office and gave an email inquiry to which this was the reply:

Dear Bradley,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We appreciate your desire to confirm the validity of a story regarding Marilyn Monroe and Mr. Graham. The story is false, and your help in keeping the record as accurate as possible would be much appreciated. Our hope is that the benefits of sharing information through the Internet and e-mail will serve the greater purpose of pointing people to Jesus Christ, who came “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10, NIV).

You have been remembered in prayer.


Mary L. Precup (jo)
Christian Guidance Department
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Kim said,

July 5, 2007 @ 5:35 pm

even if the story isn’t true, it’s still not a good idea to mock God. Wouldn’t you agree?

Ini ada satu lagi.


Jesus makes a great chain letter!

Filed in: Chain Letters, Religion | 14 August, 2007 | Posted by: ricky

My brother just sent me an awesome email. I would like to share it along with my response.

Here is the email:

... ... ... ...

Can I first state how I feel it is horrible to suggest that a loving god killed these people for “crimes of personality.” I mean, god is a big boy, right? Big enough to wipe his own ass and get over when somebody calls him names, right? Not according to this email. Also, I think the real mocking of god is twisting events to match a person’s political/moral agenda, then slapping the name of god on it.

To keep this some-what simple, I will only address the first person in the email, the biggest name there, John Lennon.

The John Lennon Quote is wrong. It is actually:

“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink…. I don’t know what will go first, rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity. We’re more popular than Jesus now. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It’s them twisting it that ruins it for me.”

He made that statement on March 4, 1966 while interviewing for the London Evening Standard (not an “American Magazine” as is stated above). He died December 8, 1980. God waited 14 years to get his “sweet revenge” for Lennon’s unforgivable blasphemy? Not to mention that on August 11, 1966, Lennon said the following in an interview after Americans blew up about it (that’s when they started burning Beatles albums):

“I wasn’t saying whatever they’re saying I was saying. I’m sorry I said it really. I never meant it to be a lousy anti-religious thing. I apologize if that will make you happy. I still don’t know quite what I’ve done. I’ve tried to tell you what I did do, but if you want me to apologize, if that will make you happy, then OK, I’m sorry.”

I think we can deduct that John Lennon was included in this email only because of his notability as a singer, songwriter and activist. It was a cheap shot to try to give this email some validity.

In a nutshell, I feel angry on behalf of Christians. It is unfair for one person to be able to invoke the name of god and scam people into believing it might be what he really wants.

I also feel sorry for my brother. I can only guess that he didn’t actually read the email and just forwarded it blindly or he got the same glazed over look as people get when they read the bible .. or he actually believes every piece of shit that comes into his inbox.

14 comments for this post.

1. Comment from AJ | 14 August 2007 | 8:51 am :

Did you know that God loves weddings? He does. For serious.

2. Comment from Icelander | 14 August 2007 | 9:11 am :

Because I'm sure some Christian is going to come across this, I'd like to ask them a question:

Since this email is about scaring people into believing in god, would you rather I fake my belief out of fear than express my honest doubts? Would it be better for me to become a person who doesn't really believe, but goes to church out of fear that god will smite him?

Also, which do you think your god would be more likely to forgive: False belief or honest doubt?

3. Comment from AJ | 14 August 2007 | 9:24 am :

God hates fake people. That's why Satan's licking his chops for Paris Hilton.

4. Comment from LeeAnn | 16 August 2007 | 1:19 pm :

Hi, I am a Christian and I hope I answer your question for you.

I agree with your comment about folks believing everything they read. Probably if they investigated as I did they would find this email ridiculous. However, you must understand that these folks actually do believe what they are told. If they studied the Bible, in order to gain a stronger personal relationship with God, they would shun all manners of judgemental propaganda such as this. Jesus didn't promote fear factors into his message. It was one of love, sacrifice and a relationship with the Father. If one seriously pursues this, the 'handicaps' posed on Christianity due to religious beliefs would pass away. Honest doubt is something Jesus welcomed. When Thomas doubted it was Jesus after his death, Jesus reassured him. When the pious man prayed in the synagogue out loud, but had no love in his heart, his prayer was not heard by God. The statement made by John Lennon doesn't say much except for the part "It's them twisting it that ruins it for me". How could any Christian send this statement out and then completely verify what John was saying to an extent. Good grief! So, I would say God probably honors honesty before false intentions and you are on the right track. Keep looking. :)

5. Comment from Christina | 17 August 2007 | 12:29 pm :

It seems to me that both the e-mail and the response are just hateful. Any faith based Christian is not going to read the e-mail and believe 90% of it. Another ironic twist is that in the response he says God is a big boy and he can just get over when someone calls him a name......I think you're confusing Jesus with God. God is vengeful and jealous, and He never tries to hide it. He is also loving, but as any parent knows, you have to discipline your children when they're naughty. Ignorance is no excuse for peoples blind stupidity. It doesn't take much to understand that the person who started this e-mail was probably trying to fuel hate from anit-christians, and the man who wrote the response is even more ignorant then those who believe everything they read.

6. Comment from ricky | 20 August 2007 | 4:40 pm :


I'm not sure how my response was "hateful." I don't believe I pointed to a person or group of people and blamed them (exceptions: original author and everyone that forwarded it) for the email. In fact, I stood up for the general christian community by saying I thought it unfair to have put the name of god on something like this.

I think you have walked a thin line between monotheism and polytheism by insinuating that jesus and god were separate entities. Even stating that 2-parts of the holy trinity would have different personalities and/or emotional responses seems pretty grey area. (Forgetting the idea that a true god would have little or no reason to have any emotional response as he knows all, has always known all, and will always know all and there wouldn’t be any surprises for him to bring forth any response.) I believe you meant to convey the difference between old and new testament god, whereas he gets instantly lovey-dovey and much less “instant divine punishment.” Yes?

You commented that the email "was probably trying to fuel hate from anit-christians." This seems a bit counter-intuitive. Do christians write emails (or do anything else for that matter) that would fuel hate towards them? I, even while living the life of a christian, never came across a situation that anyone, christian or otherwise, would fuel hatred toward them in any way.

I don't mind being called ignorant, but please give reason. If you're looking for any ol' reason to attack or bash me, I'm sure you'll have no problem coming up with a few excellent ones.

7. Comment from Matt | 20 August 2007 | 11:33 pm :

Here is the best part:

"Pass this message to 8 people {EXCEPT YOU AND ME}. You will receive a miracle tomorrow."

Ok, I'm on it!

I gotta meet the original creator of this chain letter. He knows the Miracle Rulebook pretty well!

I want to know what happens when you send it to eight fucking hundred people! Will I get one hundred miracles?

Maybe if I could just manage to forward this to eight new people a day, I would get a miracle every day. Shit, I wouldn't have to work for a living!

Oh, by the way, did I mention how much a miracle costs? EIGHT MOTHERFUCKING EMAILS! When do you get your miracle? Overnight!

8. Comment from a concerned man of faith. | 21 August 2007 | 12:21 am :

Well, like any thing that mankind does that email is more then a little flawed; as any one who knows about John Lennon could; through the first read through. However, its a good thing to find faith in a powerful and loving God; whom I'm sure is a God of justice. To any one reading this there is truth all through the bible. Just like in second Timothy the bible says in the last days men shall run to and fro across the earth and knowledge shall be increased. Mankind's knowledge is going up exponentially. Look at the fact in the book of Job the oldest book in the bible the earth is described as a sphere and is hung from nothing!

Hey, if your honest in a person's research you'll find a God who will meet sincere explorations into faith.

9. Comment from ricky | 21 August 2007 | 11:39 am :

To "a concerned man of faith,"

That made absolutely no sense. I read your comment about 4 times. Each sentence is completely out of context from the one before it and non are in the context of this blog entry or any other comment.

Try again please.

10. Comment from rob | 21 August 2007 | 5:52 pm :

nice gut shot

11. Comment from jd | 13 September 2007 | 10:06 am :

its all good- I am a Christian and i enjoy discussing him (Jesus) when the opportunity arises. I agree with the idea that many folks today twist it around for their own needs- there are many of these stories in the Bible as well and you can read and see how their story ended. I like the comment (not the choice of words) about the rule book of miricles, too many emails say something silly like that and it just turns off most people. Emails don't do mircicles.

12. Comment from Bruce | 15 September 2007 | 10:00 am :

I am a Christian as well. Someone sent me an email similar to the one that this blog is about. I don't like these type of e-mails from other Christians. So I wanted to see if there were any comments from other Christians, about these chain letters and I came accross this blog. I have to sort of agree with Matt on this one, believe it or not. Although he could have said it without the profanity and still have gotton his point accoss. Now here is my take on these "Christian chain letters". I don't believe God works in the lives of Christians in this manner. God blesses us when we are faithful and obey Him. I have already been blessed by God without chain letters. It's like:"Ok now I sent my 8 letters out. Ok God where is my miracle." If God hears our prayers, do we really need chain letters??? Just pray for the people in your address book, you don't need to send out e-mails to them. Let's be clear about this. Whether you're a Christian or not, you are already blessed just by the fact you got up this morning. When will we get it through our heads that WE DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING. Anything we have includiing life itself, we have by the grace of God. So let's stop expecting God to jump through hoops for us and also provide us with stuff we don't need like He's some sort of cosmic Santa Claus. He is the creator of the universe. The creator knows what's best for us, so let's start trusting him alittle more. He knows what He's doing.

And just as a side note here. It really irks me when Christians use the phrase. "It's all good". Is sin, good?? Do you think that God thinks, "It's all good"?? It's NOT ALL good!!!

13. Comment from Steve | 23 October 2007 | 9:24 pm :

I first came across this chain letter as a blog posting. Whomever started it as a chain letter obviously had a sense of humor and low expectations of the intelligence of your average Christian.

I don't know which is most reprehensible: the idea that "eight chain letters = one miracle" or that people attribute such repugnant morality to their god.

What worries me is I always subscribed to the idea that men create their gods in their idealized self-image. Now it seems that the gods they create are moral monsters and the potential actions justified by such beliefs are truly terrifying. When fascism comes to the US it'll be draped in the flag and preaching that old time religion.


14. Comment from vanessa | 25 November 2007 | 6:55 pm :

wow cooleo

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